Referred by Google adGoogle searchYellow pagesCandock.comWord of mouthOther
Dock usage ResidentialCommercialIndustrialMarinaDrive on (Jetslide)Other
Kind of shape I - shapeT - shapeL - shapeSquareBoat/PWC dockOther
Walkway Width 3 Modules = 4.75 ft4 Modules = 6.33 ft5 Modules = 7.92 ft
Width Up Front
Length (ft.)
Block color BeigeGrayOther
Need a Jetslide? YesNo
Need a JetROLL? YesNo
Need a Gangway? YesNo
Jetslide/JetROLL usage NonePersonal Water CraftBoat
PWC / Boat size (ft.)
PWC / Boat brand
PWC / Boat model
PWC / Boat year
Environment LakePrivate PondRiver without currentRiver with currentOcean
Shore type Slow slopeSteepWater levelInaccessible
Bottom type SandPebblesMudRocks
Tidal area YesNo
Water level seasonal variation
Waves height 0-2 ft.2-5 ft.+5 ft.
Water level front
Water level far
Project description
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